In October, Arisa participated the FER conference in “buenas prácticas empresariales” in the FER Conference. As one of the speakers, Diego Ariznavarreta, the Arisa’s Commercial director, emphasized <Nowadays, the market is all over the world and the key is the internationalization. However it does not mean that work a lot, neither visit many customers outside. You have to be supported by the values of product, approaching to customer with the service.
According to the FER president, Jaime García Calzada, it is important that <the companies are competitive and facing the market with design and technology>and < is helpful that the companies realize their guideline for implementation.
News in internet (source):
FER y ADER celebran el I Encuentro de buenas prácticas empresariales y sus factores de éxito.
Una jornada acerca las buenas prácticas empresariales de tres compañías riojanas